Friday, July 14, 2006

Welcome Inter, Juve, Barca, Milan, Chelsea, Liverpool...bitches!

Well given the common thread that binds everyone is soccer, then a blog is no doubt appropriate to connect die-hards from Trini to Illinois to The Burg and beyond. So now you all can give each other a piece of your mind. I hear the applause from you all-- thank you, thank you -- it was my pleasure, so now I leave you all to play.


Me said...

well done...but who is dis?
is this colin or shabazz??
colina is normally colin's name but then the profile have shabazz name...


lfcluva said...

Yeah shabazz, wha goin on, thanx for de blog. It a good ting that fellas could discuss the sport here, but it's bad in that now fellas could not only talk shit, but they could write shit too (Hint to Garvin. As I'm writing this, i see Inter have been awarded a Scuddetto(did they pay in pounds or euros?) anyways the official voice of Liverpool is here we've recently signed Pennant (pace on the right) and are close to signing Kuyt. Rafa also told me he's placing a secret bid on TrezuePAY. I'm looking forward to a splendid season

lfcluva said...

yeah wham to liverpool fans??? and mi nombre is colinho, colinho De los santos Do assuncao De noreiga