Monday, November 06, 2006

AC Milan

during my tenure at SCSU, i was continuously barraged with jokes and comments about Inter and how they always crying conspiracy or the ref cheating and this was the reason for us not winning (fat-ass dirk, chupid lfc-ass colin, milan-ass kevin, and chupid larry)

what has become a renowned statement by dirk is "well throw flares and ting nah; bomb up the place"

strangely enough, milan is having a couple hiccups this season, having lost 3 of their last 4 serie A games (and one to inter bitch)....

what is EXTREMELY funny about this, is that milan coach carlo ancelotti has been crying that there is a conspiracy against milan and after every game, is complaining about the refs.....

why am i not hearing from you bitch asses about your sucking team looking for excuses?? you know why?
cause allyuh is some punk ass bitches......

next milan game, when allyuh losing AGAIN, i want allyuh to throw flares and bomb up d place, since it is 'quite clear that there is a conspiracy against milan'


Nerazzuri on top! no losses!

like mancini and moratti say, if we win every game, we will NEVER be in the news, cause they only like to report when bad things happen...

milan looking nice for serie B next


lfcluva said...

Its easy to have no losses when you are the cause of the decimation of your opposition with respect to truimphed up charges, and dubious deductions of pionts!!!

Me said...

first of all asshole colin, learn to spell....

it is points not pionts...
and trumped up, not truimphed up...

secondly, Inter have nothing to do with the scandal...

thirdly, kickin AC milan's ass had nothing to do with their point a matter of fact, before the game, they were all boasting and shit saying they will show Inter who the true champions were e.t.c....

then they get their monkey ass kicked and now wanna blame the ref! lol

they loss to atalanta....flickin atalanta...HAHAHAHAHA!

Inter is the cause of everything right???

Larryzandro Del Piero said...

Well Inter is on a run cause their moral is definitely up seeing that their bigger competitors have to deal with starting the football year with point deductions and their greatest threat being relegated to Seire B. Inter is on a high now and it is about time they play good football. Nevertheless, things would definitely be different if the Bianconerri was in the Seire A. I agree that AC Milan should not cry foul and just focus playing football. However Garvin, just remember that the league is not won on November 6th. I can tell that you are definitely happy that your team is doing well but all that gliitters is not gold. There is still a lot of football to play and knowing Inter and their very anti-climatic nature, they can very well end up third. Note that I am not bashing your team, I am just stating facts that Inter is known as a third place team. Unlike Juventus who can command an entire year of football, cheating or not (I still believe that those charges were pumped up). So Garvin, I can tell you are ecstatic seeing that it has been a very long time since your team has done this well. Last year my team was at the same position on the table and I was very humble cause Juventus has 27 titles, thus the lack of bragger in my attitude. But for a fan of Inter like you, this is a time to be in your glee. Just want to say it again, I am not bashing your team cause they are in fact playing great football, I just hope for your sake that they can keep this up. However, Colin, Dirk, Kevin, Al and myself know that we would have to attend a wake and then a funeral next year when one of our hommies hangs himself when Inter comes in third. Hahahahahaha

Me said...

learn to read before you right....

this topic has nothing to do with inter winning...

it has to do with ac milan losing!!

as usual, nobody wants to talk about the real topic and always trying to be on Inter...

talk about ac milan complaining about refs and crying conspiracy...


Salt and pepper said...

I have my suit. So if i have to attend a funeral or a celebration party, I up for it.

Jan Koller said...

*yawn...i aint worried cuz milan just going tru a lil transitional phase. Inter struggle to beat us in the derby and had to pull three of the four goals out their ass. And even with a 4-1 lead they was still cold sweating. Inter is notorious for self destructing so i could only wait and watch in glee as they will eventually bite the dust again. This time, i know one of my fellow mates mite REALLY hang himself again.
Doh worry Slick...ah jus buy a suit.

Me said...

u buy a suit???

u buy a suit cause your family will need it to dress your dead body in the coffin after you hang yourself because BOTH of your teams will flop this year...

Barca ain't winning a dime this year and Milan will be lucky if they don't get relegated with they shitty self.....loss to atalanta...

and you have the audacity to speak?? lol..

juve in serie a, milan down to serie B.....HAHAHAHAHAHAHA