Sunday, April 22, 2007

Playing Lottery

Normally if someone tells me I have a 3 to 1 chance of winning the lottery, I would be the first one in the gas station buying four lottery tickets. However betting that one of the three english teams in the Champions league semis is taking the crown home is something i am not going to do. I hope that no one took my silence on the blog as a sign of lack of faith in Milan, it is just that whenever I speak things tend to go wrong. But I have to speak up now because I see they have men selling Haterade(TM) wholesale on the blog.
Congrats inter on a great season. You came out with less losses in Serie A than Juventus had in Serie B. Hope to see you up there next year Larry. Hope I dont jinx my team but it looks like the season is turning out alot better that we initially thought. Well done.

Once again Congrats Inter. We will see you next year.


lfcluva said...

I like the way you used the analogy of a lottery to bring your point across Massimo as hoping for a Milan win is doing just that...gambling. However it is a more dangerous gamble, more like Russian Roulette, and we all now that the losers in such a game suffer fatal consequences, which is what will happen when Milan face Man United, or if they happen to make it to the final where they will meet Liverpool/Chelsea. In other words they will be blown the fuck away!!!

Larryzandro Del Piero said...

Lots of hate on the blog. Anyway, I just want to say congrats to all the teams that have done well this past season. I want to say well done to Inter. Just wish to thank you guys for holding the cup for us but net year we all know that Juventus will take back what is ours. With that said, congrats to the four teams in the semis of the Champions League. I am an Italian first and I hope to see that AC will be able to change the tide when they return to Milan. To all the losers this season, fuck you guys and better luck net season.