Friday, September 29, 2006

I'm Worried

This post was created with, champions league football in mind. After veiwing several champions league games, browsing through the highlights of others and reading the reports on the rest. I decided to call my good friend Garvin. I was concerned that he may e in a state of depression following Inter Milan's defeat to Bayern Munich. The match was a drab affair but Bayern grinded out what was needed, a 2-o win. Again when it's crunch time the milanese team failed to show up. That result left them in last place with ZERO,NIL,NOUGHT (whatever you call it) pionts from two games. To say the least, they are not in an enviable position. All that being said Has anyone seen Garvin??? I have not heard from him since a fortnight ago, and I fear that all may be lost, and that I may be to late to save him from what is imminent suicide. I hope he gets this in time and hears my plea.

Garvin do not kill youself!!! We are here to support you. It doesn't matter that your team is shit. There is life after Inter.

Take care my friend!!

1 comment:

Me said...

fuck u colin....
the season now start...

we have started badly but it is still only september...

famous words of somebody...
we will see in May ;)