Thursday, September 28, 2006

State vs. Claflin

Well readers, this is just a post-mortem of the game that State played against Claflin last week Saturday. For those of you out there that couldn't be there, for one reason or the other, you missed a good game. It was a game full of dominance on the part of the State team in the first half, and an excellent comeback fuelled by some tactical mistakes by State's coach.
Claflin struck first through a well taken strike by their playmaker Kevin Lucas. Mark (an Irishman that is really fast, kinda like Robben), fed Kevin with a through-ball in the box and it was left to Kevin to turn Kyle Bowren and slot it past State's custodian, Balla. State responded in kind. A splendid through ball from either Dirk 'Koller' Francis split Claflin's defence and sent Kino Wong of on a 1 on 1 with Claflin's keeper, he finished well. Soon after Kino scored a second, after a play exactly like the first.
Late in the half, after some excellent work by Kevon Antrobus on the right side, he sent in a left footed cross to Alinho waiting on the left, who finished emphatically with a right footed volley away from the reach of Claflin's flailing keeper. At half time the scoreline was 3-1 in favour of State.
At half time, Zwade Jupiter was introduced into the defence and Andell Marsh and Bobby Sookram replaced the two strikers. Claflin's second goal was a gift after Dwayne 'Roy' Bourne decided to sell some guns and miss a clearance allowing Edsel Rudder to string up Balla. The third was an unmarked corner kick. Kyle Rudder was allowed to sneak into the box unmarked and buried a header into the old onion bag. Edsel doubled his tally two plays later. Then the decisive moment, Bobby was sent on a 1 on 1 and got cleaned up by the Claflin custodian. It was a very controversial call to say the least, but Alinho stepped up to the plate and buried the penalty leveling the game at 4. The last play of the game came when Alinho picked up the ball in his half and took the defenders on a run, cut inside (putting a defender on his back, and skating of the pitch) and playing across to Lube who put his shot wide after which, the final whistle blew.


Massimo Breadolini said...

I doh think Claflin could beat State girls team. If thing lookin bad we could always get Scottie to come and blow out allyuh whole side.

Larryzandro Del Piero said...

Well, I know Clafflin is happy to see the stars like Larryzandro Del Piero, Garvin Prescod, and Richard "Bread" Aaron retire from intercollege duties. The game definitely seems to sound like a very exciting one but all in all, Clafflin should never have State on the run. Al, I leave it up to you and Roy to keep State at number one.