Saturday, May 12, 2007

Real's Real Resurgence!

I hope everyone got an opportunity to see the Real Madrid vs Espanyol match today at the Bernabeau. Truly a classic affair and one for the ages as Real exhibits a never die attitude and comes back from 1-3 down to win 4-3 on all-round brilliant play -- by both sides. Now Barcelona has to respond especially after their devastating collapse against Getafe in the Copa del Rey. Who is gonna put money on Barcelona winning the league this season in light of Real's, and Capello's vindication...? Stay tuned, Al might be crying in a few weeks.

1 comment:

lfcluva said...

Great game indeed by Real. I had no doubt that they would have eventually caught and then surpassed Barcelona. The Blugranas are showing that they were only sucessful for the last couple of years because Real was in shambles. It's easy to dominate a league if there is no competition around!!! I won't be surprised if I receive some scathing attacks by the Barcelona sycophants on the blog, nevertheless I'm just telling it like it is. Deal with it bitches!!!