Thursday, August 10, 2006

Best possible Inter formation that Inter have secured the expert services of the one and only zlatan ibrahamovic, I am convinced my team is complete and ready to kick some ass this coming season in all competitons.

my best possible starting lineup is:

--Zanetti (c)----------Cordoba--------"the wall"------------------Grosso---

i think that is a pretty competitve lineup and i think that the additions of grosso, vieira and zlatan really strenghten our weaknesses last season, especially grosso since i think our left backs (favalli and wome) were really too weak....vieira will give us a more combatitive edge in the middle and zlatan is definitely better than martins/cruz/recoba....

we will also have a good backup team which i think should be:

--Maicon (pretty good)------Burdisso----Matrix-------------------Maxwell--

i think that this is a very strong second team that can DEFINITELY cruise through the coppa italia...

as lfcluva correctly said, Inter is the team the critics love to hate..
but you have to admit that Inter looks pretty strong and very competitive this year...

hopefully, since we managed the double last year :), we can at least aim for the treble this year :O

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