Wednesday, August 23, 2006

It Begins

Well guys, the footballing season has started. Barca has begun by restating their dominance on the world game by registering two trophies to their name already; Inter got beaten from Juventus in a match; Liverpool had to get a rather questionable penalty to draw with Sheffield United (and they stil think that they can pose a threat to the likes of Chelsea and Man U, come on Colin); Valencia has finally made it back in to the Champions' League; and AC Milan also qualified. This season is going to be interesting for all parties.

So good luck fellas. Go out and be fans. I out.


Larryzandro Del Piero said...

Wait Al, u saw that too huh, Inter being beaten by Juventus. I wonder if Moggi had anything to do with that Juve win? But I know what happened, Juve gace inter a title and they continued their generous attitude by giving Inter some licks. Juve is not a Siere B team, come on Inter, do something nah!!!!

Me said...

dan...i cyah believe u celebrating a pre-season 45min game!

anyhow, juve have nothing else to play for so that's why allyuh pulling for anything....

we (inter) didnt give a damn about dat game....
for those who have eyes and actually SAW the match (and i know al eh see it either), inter was experimenting with a 3-4-3 formation and shit...the next game was 3-5-2....

i thought that is what pre-season is, experimenting....

but feel good juve cause if allyuh meet we in the Coppa Italia this year, we will fuck u up!
