Sunday, August 27, 2006

fuckin juve is a pile of shit!

ride outta here larry with your fuckin shit side...

first, i have to congratulate inter for the amazing comeback from 3-0 down to crush roma 4-3 in the coppa italia...

really inspirational stuff from pat vieira in his new team....


juve is a HUGE pile of shit....
larry (and to an extent al), want to talk all kinda shit bout inter dis and inter dat..

first of all, u like to claim that inter didnt win the scudetto on the pitch..well guess what, neither did juve these past 2 years...

then, u and al want to parade on inter because juve beat inter by 1-0 fluke fuckin goal in a 45 min pre-season game...and wanna coast on dat???

guess what juve playing for this year?? serie b only....

all dem juve fans across the internet was only dreaming about meeting inter in the coppa italia like some kinda revenge or grudge match(as if inter cause them to get relegated)..
but guess what??

your side is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much shit, they couldnt even get past fuckin napoli but dey wanna play inter???

dan, mark my words....juve is not ready....they was tiefin all dis time and now dat the tiefin done, they losing to all kinda shitty teams like napoli..HAHAHAHAHAHA!

larry, do liike dirk and support 2 teams...


COLINA said...

'crush' is not the right word to use for the Inter victory; now, Sevilla crushed Barca 3:0 -- that's when u can rightfully use 'crush'!

Larryzandro Del Piero said...

First of all, Juve is now playing with a new team so the team as yet to gel as a unit. Furthermore, Juve will pick up steam and will start winning all their games. Now as for Juve not winning their last two scudettos on the pitch, fine, lets say they did cheat. However, we have 27 Scuedettos, more than half of what Inter has. Even if only half of the 27 were cheat games, we would still have won more fair scudettos than Inter. So Garvin, Juventus throphy room is much larger than Inter's. I think Inter keeps all their throphies on a school desk. Juventus is in Siere B, so what, it is their first time since their 100 plus years of existance that they are in Siere B, (I think Inter was in Siere B at a time because Juventus was the only Italian team that never made a trip to Siere B, so there is a first everything). I have not lost faith in team and I am forever an Italian, so if u see me backing Italian teams in the Champions league, it is not because I jump ship, it is because my team is not there, however, as i always say, i am an Italian first. I may even back shit snake Inter. And no, i would not back two teams like Dirk, I see that as a bitch move. Stay strong with one team that is why I say Forza Juventus.

Larryzandro Del Piero said...

Oh yeah, Juventus new black kit wicked, pick one up today at ur local Ebay store.

Me said...


get your facts straight...

and now is the only team IN THE WORLD to have remained in top flight football...