Saturday, March 03, 2007

Classic Fuckin Games

because we diss koller d other day by posting dat pic of him, i decide that i will post this classic game for him to try and redeem myself...

i know he love baggio just as much as if not more than Al love 10R (meaning he will let baggio fuck him) so i had to get a baggio for him..

since the file was big, i had to split with hjsplit...
you niggas should know what to do..

World Cup '94 - Semis - Italy v Bulgaria - Part 1
World Cup '94 - Semis - Italy v Bulgaria - Part 2
World Cup '94 - Semis - Italy v Bulgaria - Part 3

enjoy bitches...

1 comment:

Jan Koller said...

Blessings Slick
greatly appreciate it