Thursday, March 08, 2007

Welcome and this weekend's fixtures

I would like to take the opportunity to welcome carlos "samba magia" to the blog..

this weekend is a heated one as we have the two biggest derbies in the world..

on saturday, we have Barca v Madrid @ 3pm my time (4pm your time)..
this game needs no introduction but Barca will be looking for redemption after being slapped by Madrid in the first leg of this fixture this season...

on sunday morning, we have the HUGE milan will be the return of the once san siro king, r9...will he booed by Inter fans?? we will see...on one hand, we have Inter, who have dominated the serie A but had a dismal, disgusting champions league display and exit....on the other hand, we have milan, with a dismal serie A but a very promising champions league....after being back-hand slapped by Inter in the first leg, can AC Milan seek redemption?

we shall see :)

stay tuned to the blog as the games WILL be posted...
you all know the deal by now....each half will be posted about 10 min after the half is done...


lfcluva said...

preciate it much nigga

Anonymous said...

r9 playing against the man that was purchased to replace him back when he left for real madrid.........crespo.....can't wait

Me said...

crespo is shit...look at what he do in the champions league...

steups..waste of fuckin time

lfcluva said...

i agree

cbonfim7 said...

sorry for the late reply, but thanks for the welcoming...

I didn't see the post earlier!

Take it easy amigos.