Monday, February 12, 2007

2.11.07 - Some more games

Barca v Racing - 1st Half.avi.001
Barca v Racing - 1st Half.avi.002

Barca v Racing - 2nd Half.avi.001
Barca v Racing - 2nd Half.avi.002

each half was too big (above 300 MB) to upload as one file...
so i split it..
use hjsplit to join each half...

Chievo v Inter 1st Half
Chievo v Inter 2nd Half

Milan v Livorno 001
Milan v Livorno 002
Milan v Livorno 003
Milan v Livorno 004

once again, the file was too big so i had to split it..
use hjsplit..
this is the whole is not split into halves = 1 video

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