Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Barcelona 1-2 Liverpool: Bad boys on target

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!! I will forever, laugh and remember the faces of the Barca fans on this day as they realized that their team is no match for any true European giant, and probably the biggest of them all at that, LIVERPOOL FC. At the beginning of this school year I stated that I wouldn't talk about my team's success, as when they fail that would only give my opponents their ammunition, but this is just too good to pass up. Barcelona is SHIT, and i dare any true Barcelona fan to prove me wrong. Once again Rijkaard got it wrong when dealing with a master tactician. My personal belief is that as a coach he never really had to struggle with an under performing team or a team that didn't have a myriad of talent, hence learning how to adapt and adjust to get the best out of his squad. I can't put into words how much I anticipate the return leg. Either way it should be pleasing to me. If my team goes out to defend, we advance, if Barca scores, we will come out to play, and it should be a pulsating affair....and oh yes, one small note, just in case it slipped you the return leg is at the fucking alcazar of annihilation, the bastion , the fortress, the fucking citadel known as Anfield . PS. I'm sorry but somebody had to smash Barcelona, it was just Liverpool who had to do it.


RoyFC said...

right now I am sitting in my room hearing the sobs of the Barcelona fan next door. Ey Al ah hope yuh ok inno.

COLINA said...

Aladinho... where you hiding, you hadda put Colin and Roy in their place!

COLINA said...

And you know Colin that Liverpool is going to do exactly that, defend for 94 minutes!! But they still gone get beat!!!

Anonymous said...

i jus wanted to express the joy i feel that colin has found his vocie and his ability to gallivant........and btw as you had predicted liverpool are both 3rd in EPL, and beat D SHIT outta barcelona

lfcluva said...

Firstly, Colina, I know you are a Liverpool fan from way back. I know you're only trying to gas up Al and all of the other, Barca fans who have disappeared off the face of the earth, maybe they're up Ronaldinho" arse!! To Andre I know my team inside out, their strength, their weakness( although there may be none) and what they are capable of. Do you know your team?

Ronalda said...

Yes i must agree with Colina. A job well doen by Liverpool FC. They got rel heart. As for Barca, yall have some internal probs that need fixing.