Sunday, February 25, 2007

Dedication to the original R - R9

i saw this on youtube and i thought it was real wicked...
it was a dedication to R9 at Real Madrid...
despite all the man injuries, his record at Madrid is flickin ridiculous: 102 goals in 152 games = madness

i know shadeeka is a big ronaldo groupie, so i know u will real like it
shadeeka, watch how accurate d man left foot is....jeez.

capello sell this man for higuain??


Ronalda said...

Very good video. Thanks you nerazzrui4life for posting it. Thats all I where credit is due. I have no problem no reciprocating to all the great players like Adriano and Dinho,etc. who are playing better than him.

But yeh! Big up to R9 fire for Capello.

Salt and pepper said...

worst move ever.