Monday, February 26, 2007


Allow me to introduce some elementary mathematics here. Thanks to the Nerazzuri guy, aka ballkritikz archivist, we can now put R9's 5 year( 4 and change actually) stint @ Real into perspective and by that I mean that this guy scored 1 goal every 1.59 games. All calculations used come from this link and are based solely on domestic goal tally. I re-iterate below(goals:games)

  1. Cruzeiro 1:1.17

  2. PSV 1:1.10

  3. Barca 1:1.09

  4. Inter 1:1.39

  5. Real 1:1.42

  6. AC 1:1

  7. Brazil 1:1.56


Ronalda said...

I'm loving the love for R9 right now.

lfcluva said...


lfcluva said...

how many splendiferous balls per game is stevie g using to dissect defenses and make them look like swiss cheese?

Me said...

colin, you are now officially the serial spammer on this blog...

always contributing SHIT about LFC for which none of us gives a shit.

lfcluva said...
