Friday, February 16, 2007

games this weekend

the only games i am sure to do this weekend are

Valencia v Barca
Sevilla v Atletico

both on sunday...

i would like to do the milan game since slim pork will be starting, but it will be played simultaneously with Inter's game on saturday, and i don't miss my team's games....

i will try to save both at the same time..


RoyFC said...

what about de Real game Saturday 1400ET. If you can dat will be good

Salt and pepper said...

fuck real. u posting the important game. barca bitches

Me said...


i woulda save it myself but i have a program to go to from 10am-2pm (the game starts at 1pm my time)

the program may/may not go until then, so i cannot guarantee that i will do the Real match....

however, if you still want it, i can get it (download torrent), but u will have to wait until saturday night for it...

lfcluva said...

roy y u wanna see Real?? dey playing Real(ray-al) shit!!!